Thursday, May 3, 2012


I got this record player in February and have been collecting vinyls from various thrift stores ever since.
I love listening to records. There is just something about it... it's like releasing a bit of the past while listening to an album from start to finish. It's lovely to hear the musicians story with the added clicking and popping of an old record spinning. 

A PHILIPS from 1975

Original receipt and warranty.
The original owner got a deal! I bought the player for $20 off of Craigslist. 

The guy I bought it from threw in about 15 records!
There were a few I wasn't familiar with, artist like, Bread and Warren Zevon but was excited to hear some new music. I also got the M.J's "Thriller" album and a Lionel Richie record, just to name a few. It was a nice surprise from the Craigslist seller. 

Every time I go thrifting I check out the records. At most thrift stores albums are only $1 no matter who the artist is so I'll buy albums of people I don't know. If I'm not feeling it I'm not wasting a ton of money.

 I picked up this album titled "Melanie." I had no idea who she was until I popped it on the player and heard "Lay Down (Candles in the Wind)." If you don't recognize that song she also sang, "Brand New Key." 
Doak and I dance to "Lovin Baby Girl." I dig it. 

I'm crazy about her... she also sings a sweet version, "Ruby Tuesday."
Speaking of, "Ruby Tuesday," I found this Rolling Stones album...



The Who...

and finally, Elton (not even out of the plastic), each for a buc!

Doak is a huge fan of music too!
Checking out what to put on next.

One of dads favs... Doobie's!

Daily drum practice.
Der used to play the drums and has been teaching Doak and I some sweet beats, haha.

My little drummer boy.

Have a good one!


1 comment:

Aabell said...

Thriller for free!!! I have been scouring Thrift stores for that one. I love the pictures of Doak peeking through the records... our kids should really know what vinyl sounds like.